Great Expectations Learning
Schedule a Tutoring Session today!
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Our students consistently see improved grades as well as ACT score increases of as many as 7 points!
Give your child the tools to succeed!
Jason Henry
Bethany Henry
Great Expectations Learning was created as a venue through which we can share our knowledge and experience with families around the Memphis area as we all strive to better educate our children. If you are looking for quality classes, lessons, or tutoring by experienced certified teachers who truly care about their students, you have come to the right place. Take a look around and see how we can assist you.
Meet the Henrys!
Bethany has a master's of education degree in English in addition to a bachelor's degree in English Education with a minor in speech. She has taught at Central Baptist School, FaithHeritage Christian Academy, Bob Jones University, Bryan College, and Southwest Tennessee Community College. She offers . . .
--ACT tutoring in all areas
--tutoring in all subjects for grades 4 through 9
--tutoring for Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, history, and English
for grades 9 through 12
--writing instruction and coaching for students from the fifth grade
through graduate school
Jason holds a bachelor's degree in English Education with a minor in Music. He has been teaching in Memphis-area Christian schools for 17 years. He offers . . .
--piano lessons to students of all ages
--English tutoring to students through tenth grade
--general tutoring to elementary students