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United States
English 3/4

The following classes are being offered during the 2016-17 school year.  Bethany is excited to be working with the Bellevue Tutorial which holds classes at Bellevue Baptist Church.  You can obtain registration materials by emailing Matt Pyburn at   Feel free to contact us directly about other classes you may be interested in.

This course is designed for students in the eleventh and twelfth grades.  The focus will be on preparing young people to communicate well in writing through a study of grammar, vocabulary, and great literature.  The literary focus in odd numbered years (2016-17, 2018-19, etc.) will be on American literature and in even numbered years (2017-18, 2019-20, etc.) will be on British literature.  A research paper will be written and an oral presentation given each year as we prepare for college coursework.  

This class will meet for 90 minutes per week for 32 weeks and cost $375 + a $20 supply fee.  Students must have access to a word processing program and a computer and will be given a supply list.


Tuesdays 12:10--1:40 beginning August 9.



This course will provide a required credit for high school graduation.  The class will present the story of our nation's history from its discovery and colonization up to the present day. Special attention is given to God's providence and America's Christian heritage.


This class will meet for 90 minutes per week for 32 weeks and cost $350 + $20 supply fee.   


Tuesdays 1:50--3:20 beginning August 9.



This course is designed to prepare sixth and seventh grade students  for Pre-algebra.  Topics covered will include operations with whole numbers, using variables, decimals, geometric figures, area and volume, fractions, percents, integers, and basics of probability . Upon completion of this course, students will be prepared to advance to pre-algebra.



This class will meet for 90 minutes per week for 32 weeks and cost $330 + $20 supply fee.


Thursdays, 12:10--1:40, beginning August 11.




This course is designed for students in the ninth and tenth grades.  The focus will be on preparing young people to communicate well in writing through a study of grammar, vocabulary, and great literature.  We will go through a comprehensive study of English grammar and apply it to the writing of a variety of expository and creative writing assignments.  We will focus on the basic elements common to all good literature as students begin analyzing literature for themselves.

This class will meet for 90 minutes per week for 32 weeks and cost $375 + a $20 supply fee.  Students must have access to a word processing program and a computer and will be given a supply list.


Tuesdays 10:10--11:40 beginning August 9.



English 1/2


This course is designed to prepare jr. high students  for Algebra I.  Topics covered will include integers, expressions, basic equations and inequalities, number theory, rational numbers (including fractions and decimals), percents, probability, radicals, and an intro to polynomials. Upon completion of this course, students will be prepared to advance to Algebra I.


This class will meet for 90 minutes per week for 32 weeks and cost $360 + $20 supply fee.


Thursdays, 8:30--10:00, beginning August 11.



Algebra I


This course is designed for students who have completed pre-algebra and will provide the first high school math credit.  This classes meets two times per week to give adequate time to cover the needed material. Topics covered will include working with real numbers, solving equations and problems, polynomials, factoring, fractions, linear equations, inequalities, introduction to functions, and rational and irrational numbers.  Upon completion of this course, students will be prepared to advance to either geometry or Algebra II.


This class will meet for 90 minutes per week for 32 weeks and cost $360 + $20 supply fee.


Tuesdays, 8:30--10:00, beginning August 11.




Classes Available for Home-school Students

English 7/8


World History

This is a comprehensive English course designed to prepare students for the more challenging world of high school.  It will incorporate grammar instruction, writing assignments, and a survey of literature.  Literature study will include poetry, short stories, and novels in thematic units.  Writing assignments will introduce a variety of genres while grammar work reinforces the importance of correct grammar and style in order to develop effective communicators.


This class will meet for 90 minutes per week for 32 weeks and cost $350 + $20 supply fee.


Thursdays, 10:10--11:40, beginning August 11.



Junior High students will explore the civilizations of the world through the lens of a Christian worldview. They will begin with a brief review of history from Creation to the arrival of Christ and progress in a chronological journey around the world studying the ebb and flow of empires, cultures, Christianity, and world religions, concluding with an examination of the trends of the emerging 21st century.


This class will meet for 90 minutes per week for 32 weeks and cost $325 + $20 supply fee.   


Thursdays 1:50--3:20 beginning August 11.



Girls of American History


The Girls of American History class is targeted at students in the 4th—6th grades though 7th and 8th graders may apply.  This year we will study early American History through the lives of Kaya (pre-contact northwest), Felicity (American Revolution), Caroline (War of 1812), and Josefina (early Mexican relations in the Southwest).  Stories will be read independently at home.  Group lessons will include associated geography, historical context, cultural studies, arts and crafts, cooking, and more. Supplementary materials will be provided. 


Class will meet for 90 minutes per week for 24 weeks (September 12 to October 10, October 24 to November 21, January 23 to February 27, and March 27 to April 24) and cost $200.


Mondays, 1--2:30, at Open Door Bible Church, 1792 North Parkway, Memphis




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